Opdage indlægUdforsk fængslende indhold og forskellige perspektiver på vores Discover-side. Afdække friske ideer og deltag i meningsfulde samtaler
Email Server completed this primarily is used for if a user forgets or wants to change password. As well as email notices which can be updated in user settings. Please note that unsubscribing to email on the site results in not being able to recovery password which then would require using our contact us form to get it reset if needed.
Working on a few systems needed to start invites for AQ Connect, while the site looks like its working well I want to make sure the on boarding process goes smoothly.
Please note if you come in via invite you'll be able to invite friends you want to be able to join you here as well via your account settings. I'll be sending out a number of personal invites then the site will grow from there.
Users can directly contact me via various platforms to get an invite. However the invite system is also designed to help cut down robot spam online. While its not perfect it should help with the quality of content users are posting. The chat system works for varied users.
This again is to help make sure people don't mass farm accounts. Users can opt to see news from both member profile they follow and designer pages created by users. Users can post as either their avatar or their brand once setup, brands can have co admins with permissions. This network is 100% supported I've added to the interface localization and systems to make setup of various systems more intuitive hopefully.
Ath - Alpha/Beta Testing very soon
Please note that those that paid for pro accounts on socialvr.me and pixelvr.me will have that translated over to this site. And time extended for those that had the system off for a bit. once said users have an account here. Please note the core site is free but pro just help with operational costs