I guess blender had released new updates,
I have since updated to 3.6.19 LTS, 4.2.5 LTS and 4.3.2 and updated
RLX AUTO FIT, my other addon to follow.
to these versions to make sure they run smoothly for those that happen to get them they should run ok on 3.6.0+ 4.2.4 had an issue or error with its extension system in the blender its self which is fixed in 4.2.5 hence release for that, they also changed some of how the b1 info is formatted etc. I've accounted for those changes with updates I've been working on moving forward.
As of last night I worked on making version 1.6.0 of RLX AUTO FIT with some major updates and improvements so that it's not just a point update.
I'll be releasing that update soon for beta testers that have bought the addon. Including quality of life improvements as well as how complex mesh is handled like pockets, zippers, chains and straps, of course this will be something the community will have to test more. Cheers Again you can reach out for support on my discord channel.
New article released about my blender auto fit addon for second life,
Athayus Quan, a seasoned professional and pioneer in audio engineering, 3D design, fashion design, programming, game development and DJing, uses his extensive and varied skillset to fuel innovation at AQ Originals.
As a successful virtual entrepreneur and business owner, Athayus consistently demonstrates forward-thinking by harnessing the transformative power of virtual reality, metaverse, artificial intelligence, and the burgeoning realm of the digital world.