40 w - Translate

First thing to setup is your privacy settings, set the blue arrow means, people need your consent to add you to their group if they a friend. I generally check this as yes

Lileigh Cazalet changed her profile cover
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Leigh Avelino changed her profile cover
40 w

Lileigh Cazalet changed her profile picture
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November Sorbet changed her profile picture
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Frankie Jade LaFoxx changed her profile picture
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Frankie Jade LaFoxx changed her profile picture
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40 w - Translate

Some concept design I've been working on both 2D Image and 3d variations Would you like to see more stuff like this?

Yes Please!
4 Total votes
40 w - Translate

Email Server completed this primarily is used for if a user forgets or wants to change password. As well as email notices which can be updated in user settings. Please note that unsubscribing to email on the site results in not being able to recovery password which then would require using our contact us form to get it reset if needed.

Information and comments about said event, this comment is part of testing.