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Hide and Seek - Blender 3d Addon by Athayus Quan
This is been work in progress for little over a year. I'm just putting touches on the final blender 4.2 LTS version, and 3.6 version, if there are other versions of blender you'd like to see this addon for now is the time lol. Hoping to release for sale very soon.

The story behind this addon, was blenders hide system is all or nothing. I've been working on my mesh and buildings and meshing shoes and other. And I wanted to have more control over what I see and don't see. Hense the addon.

Not seen in this video is all the new features I've added since making this video which include full scene management system, co-lab management, presets and more.

Which will be part of the next release. So far for my new scene management system I've tested with over 6700 mesh items in scene for my western and forest sets. But to keep it simple for now.

Enjoy video for the shoes and feedback welcome. Again been about year of work on and off.
