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RLX Cutter - Blender 3.6 in Video
Nearly got the bugs worked out in cute for my cutter. Working on extra features not in the video. But lets you see work in progress. The system designed to turn any object into a cutter. While I'm sure more advance users can do this all day. I hope for those newer you may find this useful. I'm just making sure my code works on blender 4.2 LTS as legacy addon then will get it out for sale.

This is 98% completed. with each version of blender seems to breaks something in updates. I've already completed all the blender 4.1.1 and 3.6 updates to my addons so users will have options for those interested.

Feedback welcome, if there is any features or suggestions' now is time to ask as I'll be locking the main functions in to get these out for sale.


I made this addon to support both complex shapes and create clean geometry. I'm sure people will find lots of uses for it once out.