Navaar Morningstar changed her profile picture
37 w

Navaar Morningstar changed her profile cover
37 w

37 w - Translate

Opening new worlds to explore, one of my latest digital art images

Kaligar Prime changed his profile cover
37 w

Adelia Meli changed her profile cover
37 w

Adelia Meli changed her profile cover
37 w

37 w - Translate

I've made improvements to image compression users may need to delete old image and upload new one to see change in covers, avatar images and image uploads. Also 896 x 896 is good size for feed images, for covers 1980 x 1080 is decent size

Adelia Meli changed her profile picture
37 w

Kaligar Prime is watching Lumberjack the Monster
37 w - Translate

Looks like we are starting off good.
Welcome to AQConnect my friends.
I hope we all have a great time let's party all year.

Kaligar Prime changed his profile picture
37 w
